Btu To Amps Conversion

Convert va to btuConversion
1 btu/h = 0.2931 va11 btu/h = 3.2238 va21 btu/h = 6.1545 va
2 btu/h = 0.5861 va12 btu/h = 3.5169 va22 btu/h = 6.4476 va
3 btu/h = 0.8792 va13 btu/h = 3.8099 va23 btu/h = 6.7406 va
4 btu/h = 1.1723 va14 btu/h = 4.103 va24 btu/h = 7.0337 va
5 btu/h = 1.4654 va15 btu/h = 4.3961 va25 btu/h = 7.3268 va
6 btu/h = 1.7584 va16 btu/h = 4.6891 va26 btu/h = 7.6198 va
7 btu/h = 2.0515 va17 btu/h = 4.9822 va27 btu/h = 7.9129 va
8 btu/h = 2.3446 va18 btu/h = 5.2753 va28 btu/h = 8.206 va
9 btu/h = 2.6376 va19 btu/h = 5.5684 va29 btu/h = 8.4991 va
10 btu/h = 2.9307 va20 btu/h = 5.8614 va30 btu/h = 8.7921 va
40 btu/h = 11.7228 va70 btu/h = 20.515 va100 btu/h = 29.3071 va
50 btu/h = 14.6536 va80 btu/h = 23.4457 va110 btu/h = 32.2378 va
60 btu/h = 17.5843 va90 btu/h = 26.3764 va120 btu/h = 35.1685 va
200 btu/h = 58.6142 va500 btu/h = 146.536 va800 btu/h = 234.457 va
300 btu/h = 87.9213 va600 btu/h = 175.843 va900 btu/h = 263.764 va
400 btu/h = 117.228 va700 btu/h = 205.15 va1000 btu/h = 293.071 va

Convert Btu To Amps

Nominal voltage of 120V, the maximum heater rating is 120 Volts x 12 Amps max which means 1440 Volt-amps max assuming it is a standard resistance heater. If the circuit breaker (CB) is a 15 Amp 2-pole CB and the nominal voltage between the two poles is 240V; the maximum heater rating would be 80% x 15A x 240V = 2880 Volt-Amps max. Convert KCAL’s BTU’s, kilo-cal btu energy units. Energy unit: 1 kilocalorie ( kcal ), To: 3.97 BTU ( 3.968 320 719 271 972 5 btu thermal ). Conversion Fraction: 3 97/100 BTU ( 3 121/125 btu ). Comment from/about: kcal btu conversion. Excellent unit conversion kwh into all other energy units. Comment from/about: unit.

Btu To Amps Conversion

How to convert Btu Per Hour to Kilovolt Ampere (BTU/h to kVA)? 1 BTU/h = 0.7017222 kVA. 1 x 0.7017222 kVA = 0.7017222 Kilovolt Ampere. Always check the results; rounding errors may occur. Error: We couldn't find a conversion between btu and amps incompatible types Were you trying to convert energy units or electric current units? Having trouble with a unit conversion? Try doing a search, or posting to the forum. You may also be looking for a date difference or molecular weight.