Db2 Data Studio For Mac
- Db2 Data Studio For Mac Download
- Db2 Data Studio
- Db2 Data Management Console
- Db2 Data Studio For Mac Osx
Dean Compher
Product IBM Db2® on Cloud IBM Db2 Database; Description: A fully managed SQL cloud database easily deploys and scales on demand: Download and use a fully featured version of Db2 including: compression, encryption, IBM BLU Acceleration® and IBM pureScale® for as long as you would like, free of charge, with no obligations. Keen to try DB2 on the Mac, but unfortunately I am running Mac OS X 10.6.1 and the installer quite evidently cant hack it, keeps coming up saying it is the wrong CPU type but it is an Intel Core 2 duo in a Macbook Pro 17inch. Further Data Studio can directly deploy the files to the web server and even configure the JDBC driver on it to connect to the DB2 database where the procedure or query lives. Read more about the web service builder in Chapter 10 of the Getting Started With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book. To use Data Studio, open the “IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition” application and choose the Data Studio menu. This presents Data Studio in a VNC viewer on a Linux GUI. With a bit of experimentation, I was able to resize Data Studio window so that I could see the whole window without scrolling.
https://skyeywisconsin979.weebly.com/blog/cloud-station-drive-app-not-optimized-mac. 31 January 2013
Now that Control Center has been discontinued as of DB2v10.1, I wanted to ensure that everyone is getting the most out of the OptimData Studio. Optim Data Studio is very useful for ALL flavors of DB2including “LUW”, “Z” and “I” as well as Informix too! Even if you are amajor command line buff it is useful, because you can have it generate the SQLor DDL by checking the various boxes for commands and have Data Studio generatethe correct syntax for you and then you can copy where you like, potentiallysaving a lot of time. In this article I will briefly describe several ofthe features that I feel are most important like managing and building SQLscripts, query tuning, creating complex change scripts that preserve data,viewing ER diagrams of your databases, and the ability to easily view tablesand other database objects. In future articles I will drill down intosome of these items in more detail.
As I noted above Data Studio can be used for DB2 LUW,DB2/zOS, DB2/i and Informix. It also can be used on a number of non-IBMdatabases as well. However, not all features are supported for everyplatform. To see which features work with which platform see the Data Studiofeatures by data server page.
Other Data Studio Articles
Part3: View DB Objects and Attributes – View tables, columns, indexes and modeldiagram.
Part4: Changing Database Objects – Generate changes that preserve data andobjects
DataStudio Update Part 5: Query Building and Editing – Ways to create and editqueries in Data Studio.
DataStudio Update Part 6: Query Tuning for DB2 LUW and z/OS – Tune individualQueries.
DataStudio Update Part 7: Find and Tune Bad Queries from the Package Cache – Findbad queries in the package
What to install?
If you do not already have Data Studio or if you have aversion older than version 3.1, then I highly recommend that you get the latestversion of Data Studio. There is no charge to use it. In Version3.1 the former Optim Database Administrator (aka DB2 Change Manager) that willcreate complex change scripts was added to Data Studio along with the featuresof the former Optim Development Studio. When you go to download theproduct you will see that there are two main options. I highlyrecommend downloading the “full client” that has everything that Data Studiooffers and allows you to share with other IBM client components. The“administration client” takes somewhat less disk space, but also has limitedfunctionality and I do not recommend it. Visit the FullClient Install page of the information center or Section 1.3 of the GettingStarted with Data Studio for DB2 e-Book for install instructions. Youwill also notice the Data Studio Web Console download link. This is aseparate web based tool that can be installed on your workstation or a serverthat can monitor the health of your databases and schedule jobs on them. You can read more about it in my article about Data Studio WebConsole.
Getting Started
If you are not familiar with Eclipse based tools then DataStudio will take a little getting used to, but it is not hard. Like Control Center, you set up connections to your various databases and then you can do quitea few things, from browsing your objects like tables, indexes, tablespaces,etc. to executing queries and changing those objects. To do all of thesethings, Data Studio provides several views which are windows within the mainData Studio application. Some of these views appear when you open theapplication and others are shown when you want to do something, such generatingthe DDL for a table. Some views are called editors because they allow youto change something. An example of this is when you right click a tableand choose to export data. In this case an editor window will open thatallows you to choose all of the options for creating an export. Views aregrouped together for useful sets of tasks that at are calledperspectives. For a much better overview of how to use the tool, pleaseread Section 1.4 in Chapter 1 of the GettingStarted With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book.
Further you will need to get familiar with connecting toyour databases and how to navigate through the various things that you cando. Please see chapter 2 of the GettingStarted With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book for this information. In therest of this article I will describe a number of the major features that willbe of use to the former user of Control Center or the person just gettingstarted with DB2 and wanting to do at least some database exploration and/oradministration using DB2.
On a day to day basis it is useful just to connect to yourdatabases and to be able to easily to look around at the objects andconfigurations in them. Data Studio is very handy for this. In myarticle I will mostly use the “Database Administration” perspective thatincludes a view called the Administration Explorer. Thisperspective contains the tools that allow you to view and modify instance levelinformation and that lets you tell Data Studio to add or change objects liketables, tablespaces, indexes, etc. and to have Data Studio generate scripts forstructural changes while preserving the data in any objects that had to bedropped and recreated. The Administration Explorer view shows the serversthat you have defined and lets you drill down into the instances and then thedatabases within the instances. To open the Database Administrationperspective, start Data Studio and choose the following options starting withthe “Window” option from the list of choices shown across the top of the window:
Window Open Perspective Other …
And then choose the “Database Administration” perspectivefrom the list presented to you.
Easily Scan Database Objects
For just looking around at objects within your database and makingsimple changes you can use “Data” perspective. This perspective has aview called the “Data Source Explorer”. It lists the databases that you havedefined to Data Studio and lets you browse around to look at objects withinthem. It does not let you see or do much at the instance level. Ithas a different way of showing the data that you may like as compared the“Administration Explorer” in the Administration perspective.
In the Administration perspective using the AdministrationExplorer view, you can connect to any of the available databases by expandingthe server and then the instance and then you can expand the database and seethe various types of objects available including Table Spaces, Tables, Indexes,Roles, etc. Figure 1 provides an example of displaying the tables andthen choosing one of the tables to view the properties of the table:
Figure 1. Viewing Column Properties
As you can see from this example I opened the serverlocalhost, expanded the instance and database then clicked the Tables categoryunder the database. This showed the list tables with other usefulinformation in about those tables like row count and then I clicked theORDER_DETAILS table which showed me the Properties tab in the lower part of thescreen. I then clicked the Columns tab within the Properties view to showthe columns of the table and their data type, length and other usefulstuff. I could then have clicked the Privileges tab below that to see whohas what authority on the table; I could click the Table Spaces Tab belowColumns to see the tablespace that this table is in and could click other tabsto see other information. Then if I want to change any of things likeputting the table into a different tablespace or adding, changing or droppingcolumns I could do that right in the Properties tab. I could continuechanging or adding other objects like other tables, indexes, buffer pools and anythingelse that I wanted to do. Those activities would not actually make anychanges to the database, but Data Studio would keep track of what I waschanging. Finally I could have told Data Studio to generate a script toimplement those changes and it is smart enough to know when an object can bealtered and when it must be dropped and recreated. If the object needs tobe dropped and recreated, it also generates the portions of the script tounload and reload the data (giving you choices of which utilities to use) andto recreate all dependent objects like privileges, indexes, views, etc. You can then choose to run that script or copy it and run it later yourselffrom a CLP or script.
Other Object Options
The browse and edit feature of Data Studio lets you click ona table and see the data that is in it in a nice tabular format similar to aspread sheet. This is very useful for reviewing and creating testdata. From the list of tables as shown above in Figure 1 you merely rightclick on the table that interests you and either choose “Browse Data” or “EditData” and you will be shown the first 500 rows in the table. If you chose“edit” you can change the data. Further, when you right click on thetable or other object displayed in the grid, you can run any utility allowedfor it like RUNSTATS, EXPORT, LOAD, BACKUP and any others. You can alsochoose “Analyze Impact” and see all objects that are dependent on the objectyou chose. This is very useful when you are considering removing anobject so that you can see what else would be impacted. There are lots ofother things you can do from this point and I recommend that you experimentwith Data Studio and try them.
Create Data Models
Another very nice feature is the ability to have Data Studioshow you the physical data model (ER Diagram) of your database. It can bereally handy to use this to easily visualize the relationships in yourdatabase. In Figure 2 I merely right clicked one of the Schemas calledGOSALES and chose Show Overview Diagram. Again you can use theproperties tab at the bottom to changes the properties of the diagram. For example here I checked the “Show data types” box to have that informationdisplayed. If you want to see more of the diagram, you can double-clickthe tab and see that view in full screen. To get back you just doubleclick it again.
Create and Manage SQL
The next very useful aspect of Data Studio is in the area ofcreating, editing and managing SQL. In this area I much prefer DataStudio’s script building GUI to the Command Center that is part of Control Center. One of the most tedious aspects of writing SQL is finding and pastingin all of the column names and then getting them typed correctly with all ofthe commas and such in the right places. The SQL Query Builder makes thiseasy. You can just pick the tables you want by double clicking on them asshown in Figure 3 in the second view from the top. You can then check thecolumn names in each of the tables and as you are doing so, all of this the SQLis added to the top pane. Further I was able to tell the tool how to jointhe tables just by dragging the columns from one table to the next. Atany point I could have taken the SQL built to that point and started to edit itmyself. In the figure shown below the only thing that I typed was theliteral ‘35’ in the where clause. Finally I ran it by right clicking inthe query pane and selecting Run SQL. The results are shown in the tab inthe bottom right called “Result1”.
Figure 3. SQL Builder
Another really nice thing about the Query tool is thecompanion “SQL and XQUERY Editor”. With this feature you have a more freestyle SQL builder where it is more geared towards you typing in your SQL. In this query builder, any syntax errors or objects such as table names orcolumn names that you typed incorrectly will be underlined in red so that youcan easily see problems before even running the SQL. It also has a nicefeature called content assist. With it, you can put your cursor somewherein the query and then press CTRL-SPACE and a menu of choices will be presentedthat you can click to add. For example if you have completed the “FROM”clause in a query, you can now place the cursor after the SELECT key word andpress ctrl-space and Data Studio will show you a pop-up with the list of possiblecolumn names and you just click one to choose it. You can just keep doingthis until you have all of the columns that interest you. It also keeps ahistory of all of your query runs, so you can go back to a previous versionanytime. There is a lot more to the query editor and query builder thanwhat I showed here. I highly recommend that you review Chapter 5 in the GettingStarted With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book for more information.
Db2 Data Studio For Mac Download
Finally in Figure 3 you will notice that there is view inthe upper left corner called Data Project Explorer. This is where you canstore your scripts and other objects. This is a great way to organizeyour scripts instead of just having them all in one big directory. Youcan easily create new projects by right clicking in the view and selecting
Stored Procedures UDFs and PL/SQL Packages/photomatix-pro-6-key-generator.html.
Data Studio also provides a great stored procedure builderthat has the SQL editors built in and has the same content assist as the SQLeditors for Java and SQL stored procedures. This is a great tool if don’tcreate procedures much and want a lot of help when you do. It also has abuilt in debugger to help test and find problems in your storedprocedures. Please review Chapters 8 and 9 in the GettingStarted With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book for more information on thesetopics.
Tuning Queries
Data Studio has good features for helping you tune yourqueries. These features include allowing you to generate explain plansfrom scripts that you have or by capturing SQL form the Package Cache on thedatabase. The Package Cache is where DB2 holds its queries until thespace is needed by other queries. It also will tell you if yourstatistics are up to date and if you your queries could benefit from collectingadditional data by adding parameters to your existing RUNSTATS commands. Also if you have big, gnarly queries that are hard to read, you can tell DataStudio to format it for you. There are two main ways to enter the querytuning process. One is by right clicking in the query editor and choosing“Start Tuning” from the popup menu. Another way that is probably betterif you want to grab queries out of the Package Cache is to select the “IBMQuery Tuning” perspective (Window Open Perspective Other … IBM Query Tuning) and start from there. For lots of great information about how to do this please see Chapter 7in the GettingStarted With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book
Generating change scripts
Db2 Data Studio
As I noted earlier in this article, you can tell Data Studioabout changes you want to make to multiple database objects and it will build ascript for you to implement those changes. It is intelligent enough toknow what objects can be altered and which ones need to be dropped and recreated. For example, if you add a column in the middle of a table, the table must bedropped and recreated for that to take effect. This means that beforedropping the table the data must be saved somewhere such as in an export fileor shadow table. Data Studio is aware of these options and will allow youto select from a list. Further if you drop a table, then the script willbe built to extract all existing privileges, foreign keys, indexes and otherdependent objects and add lines to the scrip to put them back when the table isrecreated. This saves a ton of effort and significantly reduces thechances of you forgetting the one thing that will cause the database to beunusable by the application after the change. Finally it will generate a scriptto undo all of the changes so that if the change fails in the middle, you canrun the portion of the script to put the database back to the way it wasbefore. Chapters 2-3 of the GettingStarted With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book for all of the details about how todo this.
Think of the scenario of a months-long development projectwhere you have been making various large and small changes to the test databasethrough time. If you have been in this situation, you already know thatit is very easy to forget about one little change that you made that iscritical to the application that is being modified. To make thissituation very easy, Data Studio can compare the test and production databases,give you a report of all of the differences and generate a script to run againstproduction to make the structure look just like test, while preserving theproduction data. This can also be done for comparing a DDL file to anactual database too.
Web Services
If you have stored procedures, functions or even queriesthat have business logic already built and you have a project that needs tobegin using that logic, one easy way to provide this access is through a webservice. A web service is easily called by a Java application on anapplication server with a web server like Tomcat or WAS. Data Studio cancreate the files needed by these types of applications to allow your queries orstored procedures to be called as a web service from this server. FurtherData Studio can directly deploy the files to the web server and even configurethe JDBC driver on it to connect to the DB2 database where the procedure orquery lives. Read more about the web service builder in Chapter 10 of theGettingStarted With Data Studio for DB2 e-Book
Db2 Data Management Console
Another great resource for getting help with Data Studio isthe InformationCenter. There are even more great things that Data Studio can do foryou than listed in this article. If there are any that you particularly likethat I did not mention here, please comment on this article in my Facebook Page or my db2Deanand Friends Community and help the extended community.
Aqua Data Studio is a database query and administration tool that allows developers to create, edit, and execute SQL scripts, as well as browse and visually modify database structures.
Db2 Data Studio For Mac Osx
Aqua Data Studio is supported by the following operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows 8.x, and Windows 7
- Mac OS X
- Linux
- Solaris
Aqua Data Studio supports the following relational database management systems:
- Oracle (11g, 10g, 9i, and 8i)
Note: If you are registering a server (connection) in Aqua Data Studio for Oracle 11g, you must select Oracle8i from the RDBMS list. Selecting Oracle 9i/10g from the RDBMS list will not work for Oracle 11g, and our version of Aqua Data Studio will not include a listing for Oracle 11g.
- DB2 UDB (8.x and 7.x)
- Microsoft SQL Server (2012, 2008, 2005, 2000, and MSDE)
- Sybase ASE (12.x and 11.x)
- Sybase Anywhere (9, 8, 7, and 6)
- Informix IDS (8.0 and 7.x)
- PostgreSQL (8.0 and 7.x)
- MySQL (4.x and 3.4)
- Generic JDBC
- Generic ODBC
Aqua Data Studio is available from IUware and IUanyWare. Version 4.7.2 is the latest free version we can provide.