Toshiba Nemio Xg Ssa 580a User Manual

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Thanks Toshiba Nemio Xg Ssa-580a Service Manual. 服务技术员 论坛 The Toshiba Xario SSA-660A is a universal diagnostic ultrasound imaging device. Toshiba Aplio 300 Manual - Thanks Toshiba Nemio Xg Ssa-580a Service Manual. 服务技术员 论坛 The Toshiba Xario SSA-660A is a universal diagnostic ultrasound imaging device. Toshiba Aplio 300 Manual -

Manuals and free instruction guides. Find the user manual. 販売名 : 超音波診断装置 Nemio XG SSA-580A 認証番号 : 218AABZX00031000 製造販売. MODEL SSA-580A MAINTENANCE MENU VOLUME (2D730-509EN.A) TOSHIBA MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this manual may be copied or reprinted, in whole or in part, without written permission. The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. Download Ebook Toshiba Nemio Xg Manual XG SSA-580A. Thank you Toshiba Nemio Xg Ssa-580a Service Manual - Service. Re: re: Toshiba Nemio XG service manual November 20, 2013 08:53 dear sir if you please send me this service manual.



Toshiba Nemio Xg Ssa 580a User Manual


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No. 2D730-509EN*A


1. No part of this manual may be copied or reprinted, in whole or in part,
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C-1 YEM55600H-1 *

INI. PRODUCT. Goto 16-1 R-1 YEM55600H-1 * . TM-WP2 *A 03/'06 Support of V1. DOC. Mr. DATE REASON PAGE SER. 2D730-509EN*A REVISION RECORD REV. (MM/YY) /AUTHOR CHANGED No. 8-2.1 P. 15-1. 02/'06 Mr. 1-2. No. 6-1 to 6-3. Ueki ------. 11-1.

SAVING THE SERVICE DATA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION -----------------------------------------------------------.15-1 16.2 Operational Checks for the Panel Switches -------------------------------------------------------------.13-1 14.5-1 6. BACKUP/RESTORE OF THE USER DATA/PRESET DATA ----------------------------------------------.1 Self Diagnosis of the PWBs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.11-1 12. COLOR/MONOCHROME TEST PATTERN DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------.8-2 9.7-1 8. MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE HARD DISK DRIVE -----------------------------------. 2D730-509EN*A CONTENTS Page 1. HARDWARE/SOFTWARE INFORMATION ENTRY -----------------------------------------------------------.6-1 6. LOG (RECORD) DISPLAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.1 Displaying Image and Log Saved by the User When the Problem Occurred (IQ Request) --------------------------------------------------------------.16-1 -a.3 Operational Check Using Test Pattern -------------------------------------------------------------------.1-1 2.1-1 1. SERVICE DEPARTMENT/REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION ENTRY --------------------------------.4-1 5. SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION ENTRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------. UPGRADING SYSTEM PROGRAMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------. CHANGING THE STARTUP SCREEN/SCREEN SAVER -------------------------------------------------.8-1 8.6-2 6. SERVICE HISTORY LOG DISPLAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.9-1 10. DISPLAY OF DATA SAVED BY USER WHEN PROBLEM OCCURRED --------------------------------.14-1 15.10-1 11.6-3 7. SYSTEM-SPECIFIC INFORMATION ENTRY -------------------------------------------------------------------.6-2 6. No.1 Service Menu Display Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.2-1 3. OUTLINE OF THE SERVICE MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------. MALFUNCTION DIAGNOSIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.3-1 4. YEM55600H-1 * .12-1 13.

No.1 Service Menu Display Method (1) Turn ON the power of the system to boot it. 1. The Exam Select menu is displayed. and checking/recording an option's installation status. The following Preset screen appears. (3) Select [Preset] in the Exam Select menu. . (4) Press [Maintenance] to display the Maintenance menu.. site information entry. OUTLINE OF THE SERVICE MENU The Service menu is used for performing hardware operational checks. 1-1 YEM55600H-1 . PRESET (2) Press D. 2D730-509EN*A 1.

1-2 YEM55600H-1 * . 2D730-509EN*A (5) Press '< (. <8> Report Displays the image and log saved by the user when the problem occurred. and monitor. <5> Diagnostics Implements the automatic/manual malfunction diagnosis program. <7> Log Displays the log for each category. <13> Color Adjust Displays the color/monochrome test pattern for adjusting the video printer. VCR. <16> Software Upgrade Upgrades system programs. <17> Exit Closes the menu. The Service screen is displayed. No. Item Function <1> Site Displays/enters the site-specific information. <6> HDD Utility Displays and checks the hard disk information. <2> System Displays/enters the system-specific information. <10> Backup/Restore Backs up/restores the user data/preset data. <9> Service History Displays/enters the service history. <12> Smart Backup Saves the service data etc. <4> Configuration Displays/enters the service department/representative information. <15> Explorer Starts up Windows Explorer. <11> Software Install/Remove Installs/uninstalls the optional software. The password entry screen is displayed. (6) Enter the dedicated password and press [OK].)' while holding down the Shift key on the keyboard. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <13> <14> <15> <16> <10> <11> <12> <17> No. <3> HW/SW Displays/enters the hardware/software information. on the MO. <14> Image File Change Changes the image to be displayed on the startup screen/screen saver when the diagnostic ultrasound system is started up.

SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION ENTRY (1) Press [Site] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. <16> Save Saves the data. <1> <9> <2> <10> <3> <11> <4> <12> <5> <6> <7> <13> <8> <14> <15> <16> No. Street number <4> Zip Code Zip code <5> Phone No. No. Telephone number <6> City City name <7> District District name <8> Country Country name <9> Site-Name Diagnosis site <10> Location System installation location <11> Name User name or administrator name <12> ID User ID or administrator ID <13> Memo Other information <14> View Displays the currently registered information. 2-1 YEM55600H-1 * . Item Contents <1> Hospital Hospital name <2> Street Street name <3> Street No. The screen shown below is displayed. <15> Input Allows information entry. 2D730-509EN*A 2.

<6> Maintenance contract Displays whether or not the maintenance contract exists and the contract period (when the contact existed). No. 2D730-509EN*A 3. 3-1 YEM55600H-1 * . <8> Input Allows information entry. SYSTEM-SPECIFIC INFORMATION ENTRY (1) Press [System] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. <9> Save Saves the data. <3> Inspection Schedule Sets the display of the message prompting the periodic inspection to ON/OFF. <2> System Use Time Displays/resets the power-supplied time. <5> Installed date Installed date 'From' and 'Until' are used for lease systems etc. <7> View Displays the currently registered information. The screen shown below is displayed. <4> Service Use Time Displays/sets the service time. Item Contents <1> Serial Number Displays/sets the serial number. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> No.

Toshiba Nemio Xg Ssa 580a User Manual Instructions

<2> Software Displays the names and drawing numbers of the software. 2D730-509EN*A 4. <3> Peripheral Displays/enters the peripheral unit names and their information. HARDWARE/SOFTWARE INFORMATION ENTRY (1) Press [HS/SW] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. 4-1 YEM55600H-1 * . No. <5> View Displays the currently registered information. <6> Input Allows the information entry. The screen shown below is displayed. Item Contents <1> Hardware Displays the names and drawing numbers of the hardware. <7> Save Saves the data. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> No. <4> Refresh Updates the list of registered information (for Hardware only).

Telephone number <3> User Maintenance Menu Sets the display of the [System Test] and [System Maintenance] switches displayed on the Maintenance menu (refer to (4) of subsection 1. Item Contents <1> Service Representative Service representative name <2> Tel No. <5> Input Allows information entry. <6> Save Saves the data. The screen shown below is displayed. <4> View Displays the currently registered information. No. SERVICE DEPARTMENT/REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION ENTRY (1) Press [Configuration] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. 2D730-509EN*A 5. 5-1 YEM55600H-1 * .1) to ON/OFF. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> No.

and monitor is displayed. perform picture recording and playback to confirm that it operates normally. Check the sound to confirm that the speaker operates normally.2). <8> View Displays the self-diagnosis results of the set date. <6> Test Pattern When [Exe. The screen shown below is displayed.] is pressed. The displayed test pattern can be used to check the operation of each board installed. <9> Execution Starts self diagnosis. <3> Operation Panel Performs diagnosis for the panel switch (refer to subsection 6.) <7> Cancel Cancels the self-diagnosis results. <4> Speaker When [Exe. 6-1 YEM55600H-1 . No. <10> Save Saves the self-diagnosis results. <2> Monitor/VCR When [Exe.3. VCR. When the SVO-9500MD(P) of the VCR is connected. (Refer to subsection 6. Item Contents <1> Automatic Performs self diagnosis for the PWBs (refer to subsection 6. the test pattern selected from the list is displayed.] is pressed. MALFUNCTION DIAGNOSIS (1) Press [Diagnostics] on the Main Menu of the Service screen.1). 2D730-509EN*A 6. sound is heard from the speaker.] is pressed. <5> Power Monitor Checks the voltages used in the system.  Automatic column: Items for which pass or fail is judged automatically  Manual column: Items for which pass or fail is judged manually It is possible to select whether the self-diagnosis results (up to the previous 10 results) are displayed. the color/monochrome test pattern for adjusting the video printer. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> Service engineer name <6> entry field <7> <8> <9> <10> No.

6-2 YEM55600H-1 .] for 'Operation Panel' in the Manual column. 'Not installed' is displayed. The figures in the screen indicate the main and sub panel switches. No.  To diagnose individual PWBs. 'Fail' is displayed. The screen shown below is displayed.1 Self Diagnosis of the PWBs (1) Select the PWB to be diagnosed in the Automatic column. (2) When a panel switch is pressed. Check whether the pressed switch matches the key code. (3) When [Execution] is pressed. 6.  To diagnose all the PWBs. If no abnormality is found.2 Operational Checks for the Panel Switches Whether or not the main and sub panel switches physically function can be checked. place a check mark in followed by 'All selected'. the key code is displayed in the Key Code column on the right. place the cursor on the PWB name in the list and press the SET switch. If an abnormality is found. 2D730-509EN*A 6. diagnosis starts. place a mark in . (1) Press [Exe. 'Pass' is displayed. * If the PWB selected for diagnosis is not installed. After is displayed followed by the PWB name. (2) Set the Execution Times (Loop).

] under Test Pattern in the Manual area. (2) Press SET while the sample pattern is displayed.3 Operational Check Using Test Pattern It is possible to identify a defective board by displaying the test pattern. The sample test pattern shown below is displayed. This example is a sample test pattern which is displayed when 'BW MarkV' is selected from the list. Compare the two patterns to check for any abnormality with images or image quality. 2D730-509EN*A 6. 6-3 YEM55600H-1 * . No. (1) Press [Exe. The actual test pattern for the board is displayed.

<1> <2> <3> <4> No.  If multiple same-type transducers are used. <4> Transducer Use Time Displays/sets the individual transducer use time. (process for receiving the key).  The system cannot recognize when a transducer is replaced. (destination Y coordinate)]  Switches [(Switch name). the transducer use time is not cleared until the service engineer resets the time. Item Contents <1> Key History Log Displays the operated switch data. (TB arbitration)] <2> Error Log Displays the generated error log. A maximum of 5000 data sets can be saved. (destination X coordinate). (interval with the previous key). <3> System Use Time Displays/sets the cumulative power-supplied time and service time.  Trackball operation log display [TB. 7-1 YEM55600H-1 * . Therefore. LOG (RECORD) DISPLAY (1) Press [Log] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. (source X coordinate). but the individual transducer use time is not displayed. the total transducer use time is displayed. (interval with the previous key). the system cannot recognize each transducer. 2D730-509EN*A 7. The screen shown below is displayed. (source Y coordinate). (process for receiving the key). No. Therefore.

The screen shown below is displayed. <2> System Test Result Displays the result of the System Test performed by the user. DISPLAY OF DATA SAVED BY USER WHEN PROBLEM OCCURRED (1) Press [Report] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. Item Contents <1> IQ Report Refer to subsection 8. <1> <2> <3> No. The abnormal image and log saved by the user at the time the problem occurred can be displayed by pressing the [Shift] and [F1] keys. <3> System Maintenance Displays the result of the System Maintenance Result performed by the user.1. 8-1 YEM55600H-1 . No. 2D730-509EN*A 8.

1 Displaying Image and Log Saved by the User When the Problem Occurred (IQ Request) (1) Press [IQ Report] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. (3) Pressing [IQ Report Data Clear] deletes the data stored at the time the selected problem occurred. 2D730-509EN*A 8. (2) Pressing [Image Data Viewer] displays the image stored at the time the selected problem occurred. * The log recorded at the time the problem occurred is displayed (up to the most recent 30 problems). No. refer to section 7. The screen shown below is displayed. For the contents of the Key History Log and Error Log. 8-2 YEM55600H-1 * .

)  Reappears (Always)  Reappears (Sometimes)  Reappears (Rarely)  No Reappearance  Other  -blank. <1> <2> <3> <4> <9> <5> <6> <7> <8> <10> <11> <12> No. Software  Sys.) <6> Key3 Problem frequency (Select from the following options. No.(Free description is possible. SERVICE HISTORY LOG DISPLAY (1) Press [Service History] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. The screen shown below is displayed. Hard&Soft  Transducer  Option device  No problem found  Other  -blank.(Free description is possible. 2D730-509EN*A 9. <2> Enforcement day Present date <3> Service Engineer Name Displays/inputs the service engineer name. <4> Key1 Maintenance types (Select from the following options. Item Contents <1> History List Restores the previous service history.)  Sys. Hardware  Sys.)  Preventive Maintenance  Corrective Maintenance <5> Key2 Applicable systems for maintenance (Select from the following options.) 9-1 YEM55600H-1 .

9-2 YEM55600H-1 * . <12> Save Saves the data. No.5 h  Within 2 h  Over 2 h <9> Memo Service content entry column <10> View Displays the currently registered information. <11> Input Allows information entry.) <8> Key5 Working hours (Select from the following options. Item Contents <7> Key4 Service status (Select from the following options. 2D730-509EN*A No.(Free description is possible.)  Completion  Observing for reappearance  Wait for FRU  Other  -blank.)  Within 15 min  Within 30 min  Within 45 min  Within 1 h  Within 1.


The actual execution time may be longer than the displayed time. 2D730-509EN*A 10. 10-1 YEM55600H-1 * . <3> Media Specifies the media for the storage destination drive/storage source drive. <5> Estimate execution time Estimate time * This time should be used only as a guide. <4> Packages Backs up/restores the selected item. No. <7> Go Starts backup/restore. BACKUP/RESTORE OF THE USER DATA/PRESET DATA (1) Press [Backup/Restore] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. <1> <2> <4> <3> <5> <6> <7> No. Item Contents <1> Command Selects data backup/restore. <6> Progress status bar Displays the progress status for backup/restore. The screen shown below is displayed. <2> Drive Specifies the storage destination drive/storage source drive.

Toshiba Nemio Xg Ssa 580a User Manual User

SOFTWARE INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION (1) Press [Software Install/Remove] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. The actual execution time may be longer than the displayed time. 2D730-509EN*A 11. <3> Estimate execution time Estimate time * This time should be used only as a guide. Item Contents <1> Command Selects whether software installation/software uninstallation/software key disk checking is performed. 11-1 YEM55600H-1 * . <2> Option Software Selects the software to be installed/uninstalled. The screen shown below is displayed. <4> Progress status bar Displays the progress status for installation/uninstallation. No. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> No. <5> Go Starts the software installation/software uninstallation/software key disk check process.

The screen shown below is displayed. 12-1 YEM55600H-1 * . <1> <2> <3> <4> No. Item Contents <1> Drive Specifies the storage destination drive. No. <4> Go Starts installation/uninstallation. <2> Media Specifies the media for the storage destination drive. 2D730-509EN*A 12. <3> Progress status bar Displays the progress status for saving. SAVING THE SERVICE DATA (1) Press [Smart Backup] on the Main Menu of the Service screen.

Item Contents <1> B&W Pattern Displays the B&W pattern (refer to figure 13-1). Pressing the SET switch returns to the previous screen. <2> Framing B&W Gray Displays the framing. <4> Color Scale Pattern *1 Displays the color-scale pattern (refer to figure 13-4). The screen shown below is displayed. gray-scale pattern (refer to figure Scale Pattern 13-2). Pressing the SET switch returns to the previous screen. Pressing the SET switch returns to the previous screen. <1> <2> <3> <4> No. Pressing the SET switch returns to the previous screen. 13-1 YEM55600H-1 . COLOR/MONOCHROME TEST PATTERN DISPLAY (1) Press [Color Adjust] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. *1: These patterns cannot be displayed in black-and-white systems. <3> Color Bar Pattern *1 Displays the color-bar pattern (refer to figure 13-3). No. 2D730-509EN*A 13.

2D730-509EN*A Figure 13-1 B&W Pattern Figure 13-2 Framing B&W Gray Scale Pattern 13-2 YEM55600H-1 . No.

2D730-509EN*A Figure 13-3 Color Bar Pattern Figure 13-4 Color Scale Pattern 13-3 YEM55600H-1 * . No.

M.R.A.T. <1> <2> <3> <4> No. <2> Defragmentation Invokes Disk Defragmenter.A. No. <4> S. Item Function <1> HDD Information Displays the most recent hard disk conditions (updates the display of S. provided in Windows.T Information Displays the hard disk conditions. The screen below is displayed.R.M. provided in Windows. <3> Scan Disk Starts up Scan Disk. 2D730-509EN*A 14. 14-1 YEM55600H-1 * . Information). MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE HARD DISK DRIVE (1) Press [HDD Utility] on the Main Menu of the Service screen.

Item Contents <1> Boot Image Selects changing of the startup screen file. No. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> No. <4> Drive Specifies the drive. <2> Screen Saver Image Selects changing of the screen saver file. 15-1 YEM55600H-1 * . <5> Preview Displays the image file that is selected in the Image File List field. <6> Default Sets the default image for the startup screen/screen saver. 2D730-509EN*A 15. <7> Apply Sets the image file selected in the Image File List field for the startup screen/screen saver. CHANGING THE STARTUP SCREEN/SCREEN SAVER (1) Press [Image File Change] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. The image file that is selected here is displayed in the Preview area. <3> Image File List Displays the names of the image files in the selected drive. The screen shown below is displayed.

16-1 YEM55600H-1 E . <2> Drive Specifies the drive. <4> Progress status bar Displays the download progress status. The screen shown below is displayed. No. <5> Download Starts the download. <3> Download File Displays the name of the system program file that is selected in the Software List field. Item Contents <1> Software List Displays the system program files in the selected drive. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> No. UPGRADING SYSTEM PROGRAMS (1) Press [Software Upgrade] on the Main Menu of the Service screen. 2D730-509EN*A 16.